Page name: New Varse [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-12-27 21:24:09
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 7
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Welcome to a land of Dragons, Elves, and a host of other mystical creatures. The Elves, call this world Avalorn, and it is fraught now with strife.

What is war but the extent of our fears realized? - Ernest Hemingway

Varse, Realm of the High Elves spans all three types of climate; Arctic, Drylands, to Rainforest with everything inbetween. Their proud cities once stood whach over each of the seven provinces, ruled over by an elected regent who serves his term for life as ruler of the entire Elven Empire. The last of the Imperial Regents, Alreli disappeared some 300 years ago, thought Dead, her absence created a vast power vacum. Ullari, taking advantage of the building turmoil seized power, quick to crush any opposition. Lomien, content to serve as leading general prosecuted the campaigns of his brother, bringing to heal many of the provinces that would have resisted. It was not until the wer-creature campaign that Lomien realized how awry his brother had gone. He refused to continue, stating it was meaningless to continually butcher ones way through a defeated people. Ullari swiftly banished his older brother and executed many of the dissident generals. To the North, the fall of the Dragons as one of their own, Stiro delved to far into experimentation. The resulting plague unleashed a viral horde of the undead. The Dragons quelled the outbreak, though it scattered and divided them.

The re-emergent empire battered, but strong strives to ward off any outsiders, the enemies within and without look to their weapons as a slumbering younger world awakens to the plight of the ancient races.

Which side will you chose? Help expand the nascent Empire of Ullari, help bring it down? Plauge all sides with the Druchii, or remain a free agent? Beware though, for there never is truely an neatural side and sooner or later you will get drawn into the brewing war.

Those of you who are new to role playing feel free to join, and if you need help all you need to do is ask me or one of the staff

Staff of New Varse

Owner:[Talos Cyrion]

Gm: [Eyden13]

New Varse rules<---simple and straight forward, but please do read

New Varse Herald <---something i will do my best to keep current. Also how i will communicate en mass to all those involved in the rp about general information

New Varse Beastiary

New Varse rp<-----Closed, but soon to return!!

New Varse Characters

Username (or number or email):


2011-03-16 [The Dizzy Raven]: I apologize for not creating my character yet :( Do you need any help getting this running again?

2011-03-16 [Talos Cyrion]: I think for the moment it is dormant but yes any suggestions to get it up an running would be awesome!

2011-03-16 [The Dizzy Raven]: Well first i need to ask this. Are you restarting it? knowing that bit of info will help me advertise

2011-03-16 [Talos Cyrion]: Ya it never was officially declared dead, i'm just waiting around for the three people involved to come back or realize they need to post lol

2011-03-16 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD lol ok :) so I guess I can help out fill in the void if you'd like

2011-03-16 [Talos Cyrion]: yeah i'll send out a message to the members an ask them if they are still interested. I think from there we can work with getting this thing up an going

2011-03-16 [The Dizzy Raven]: ok :)

2011-03-17 [Flisky]: It's my fault. I've been needing to post for a while but haven't had that reminder. Sorry. You can shoot me later.

2011-03-18 [Talos Cyrion]: Naw, after this weekend i won't have any ammo left any ways lol. Headin out to a party in the hopefully my dumbass brother doesn't take my head off like he nearly did last time haha

2011-04-04 [Eyden13]: I'm just at fault here. I kind of disappeared. sorry!

2011-11-03 [Eyden13]: sigh I feel horrible for the state that this rp is in.

2011-11-04 [Talos Cyrion]: i kinda died

2011-11-05 [Eyden13]: mainly my fault. Want to give it one more shot to see if we can get it going?

2011-11-05 [Talos Cyrion]: why not, idk where this is even at, and last i recall it was alittle all over the place. Maybe cut out some of the rooms and consolidate it alittle? Probably should focus more on the fact that Lomien is leading a resistance group, and not so much a full fledged army

2011-11-10 [Eyden13]: sounds good to me. I have no idea what was even going on or were I am at would it be, so i think it'll work. That or we c an start from the very beginning, but I'm not sure if thats you want to do that. 

2011-11-10 [Talos Cyrion]: In all honesty it might be best, because i'm not sure if all the rpers are still interested, plus the story started to stray an go all over the place

2011-12-06 [Flisky]: I fell off the planet again.

2011-12-06 [Talos Cyrion]: lol you do that a lot, but it's ok :p I think this thing is basically dead. I think Eyden was going to work with me and revamp it but most of the players i haven't seen around

2011-12-06 [Flisky]: Revamp and restart it. I'm on maybe once a week.

2011-12-06 [Talos Cyrion]: Ok cool. This weekend i'll work on revamping and un-cluttering.

Anyone who has a character are you still interested in the RP?

2011-12-07 [Flisky]: Yes. XD

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